Her innate skill of identifying human potential and building it helps her mentor young minds to go beyond the best versions of themselves..

S V Balasubramaniam
Chairman - Bannari Amman Sugars Ltd
“Love and affection are the basic qualities of MsGeetha.
When we met for the first time in Coimbatore at the Foundation Ceremony of White House, she got so attached to me as if we know each other for years together. I value her affection and her association is very dear to me.
She is very much adaptable whether it be a village atmosphere, urban area or a foreign land.
She is such a well learned personality both in culture and business. A highly matured individual and well-mannered in all her activities.
She has a strong opinion that we always find happiness in life which will only bring desired results even thought we may have to face/come across hurdles during our journey.
She is an Entrepreneur par excellence as she is always target oriented and a good strategist.
The knowledge that Geetha has gained over the years has taken her to higher esteem as she can address any forum on all subjects like women empowerment, character building, leadership skills, adaptation to COVID-19 problems, economic front as well as social front.
On the family front, she is a Role Model to follow if you know how she has brought up her son and daughter.
Both Geetha and Nagu, I consider them a good match for each other both in personal and business areas.
I wish her God's blessing to enjoy her life with her family, society and be a front-line leader in all her activities.

Shobhaa De
Celebrity Columnist & Novelist
“Geetha Nagu is more than just a human dynamo, she is a force of nature.
I enjoy her energy and zest for life. We share a strong bond.
She is fiercely ambitious and very focused! Leadership qualities radiate from her compact persona.

R. Sekar
Former Director General of Police (IPS)
“Let me at the outset congratulate Geetha Nagu for launching her own website adding one more feather in her cap of individuality and something always special . My association with Geetha and Nagu spread over more than 30 years and qualify me to write about her.
Any successful business woman first believes in herself before venturing into any tasks. This is very much true with Geetha Nagu . One should be ambitious to achieve anything in life and that quality is in abundance with Geetha and Nagu.
Geetha has a tremendous confidence in herself and her projects which mostly combined thinking of both Geetha and nagu which earned them the trust and respect from their investors .Geetha is always very passionate about what she wanted to do and enjoyed doing it . Normally any human being will be deterred by failures and takes long time to bounce back whereas Geetha with the full moral support and back up from Nagu will always bounce back like Phoenix bird 🦅 and surprise her adversaries that Geetha cannot be written off.
Geetha adorns many avatars . Before she is a business entrepreneur she is a loving daughter to her parents and a loving wife to Nagu more affectionate and a caring mother and she has come 360 degree in family life with addition of Meenu daughter in law and Abhimanyu grandson . She was a real role model for her son Surya and daughter Isha . They both proved they are chip of the old block wherein each one evolved as a knowledgeable children and enterprising too. Geetha knows how to identify the talent and potential of her children and shaped them to what they are today .She played a perfect wife to her husband in truly loving , caring and supportive and made him realise his dream as her dream too a blend of perfect love and understanding partnership.
She is the perfect role model that each time she stands up for herself, she stands up for all woman community and a true modern woman leader.She is friendly , amiable and always there for her friends whenever they need even without them asking for her help. She has developed a strong bond with her friends and employees and coworkers and partners . She has never left any stone unturned in her way to emerge as a successful woman entrepreneur and a successful Woman ambassador in the predominantly male dominated society.
The role of Nagu her loving husband needs a great reference here who truly stood behind her as the saying goes “Behind every successful woman there is a man and truly so in reverse too for her Husband Nagu Chidambaram’s success. In her growth journey, no less a role played by her father Shri Subbiah Chettiyar and mother Smt Saroja Aachi in giving her whatever she asked for right from getting Nagu in her life and also as daughter in law of the traditional family of Shri Chidambaram chettiar.
We cannot contain about Geetha and Nagus achievement in 150 words and perhaps I may have to pen a biography which I may do little later and wish her for the time being a great success and nothing but success and more success in whatever Geetha and Nagu ventures.As a true well wisher and God Father myself and my wife Swarna wish the Family of Geetha and Nagu all the very best in their life.

Zubin Zainuddin
ZZ Architects
“One thing is for sure, ‘Geetha Nagu’ just cannot be defined in a few words. The persona that she is, has to be experienced. I have been fortunate to know her on a very personal level as I had the opportunity to work very closely, with her and her wonderful family, to create their new home. It has been a wonderful journey knowing Geetha and seeing her evolve. Her insatiable need, to constantly learn, has clearly made her an extremely compassionate and clear minded leader. I must mention that the fact that she is an eloquent speaker, who talks from her heart, is extremely well known in Chennai. However what really connects with me is her willingness and patience to ‘listen’.
She has an incredible hunger and insatiable need to absorb knowledge. This is a special quality that one can only hone over the years and is definitely not an acquired trait. Her commitment to herself, her family and her work is what makes her such an ideal and aspirational role model to so many young entrepreneurial men and women.
Extremely engaging conversations is what comes to mind whenever I can think of Geetha. Her constant discussions and recommendations whether it is Entrepreneurship, Books, Movies or Music is something that I have really learnt to cherish and value. Her positive and always cheerful demeanour is what makes her so very special.
On a personal level I feel proud to have her as an extremely close friend.

Annamalai Chokalingam
CEO - Marwaid Finance / Founder - BIG U.A.E.
“Geetha Nagu....
The more suitable words that would provide her correct pictures are-
Untiring, Evergreen enthusiastic Women Entrepreneur.
I have always seen her as a most responsible social entrepreneur with a focus on providing value to the society especially to those who need most.
I have always seen Geetha talking about and concentrating on the common man's needs, and her honest efforts to make them available to the people who she is in touch with, is the virtue I admire the most and try to adopt and follow in my life.
No surprise on all these good virtues and qualities as she is born and belongs to such a good family background both the end.
In my view which no one can debate, she belongs to that category of Women the great Tamil poet Bharati dreamed of.
My blessings are always with her for her and her family wellbeing.

Tan Sri Dato’ Dr Palan
Pro Chancellor, University of Cyberjaya - Malaysia
“Geetha Nagu is a go getter entrepreneur and a role model for aspiring entrepreneurs.
She showcases how to balance the various roles of a leader, wife, mother, daughter, and friend. She has proven that hard work pays off when you are determined and persistent.
She continues to set new standards and live by the maxim that nothing is impossible if you want it. Her contributions to others demonstrate her willingness to ‘give back’ to society.

Surya Chidambaram
Budding Entrepreneur & Iphoneographer
“Truly a blessing to be the son of such an amazing mother. A mom who is master in balancing every aspect of life so well and yet no lags anywhere.
A mother who’s actually a best friend for life. Such a great listener, I can discuss anything in this world without having to think twice. She plays the role of a wife, mother, sister, daughter, daughter-in-law, organizational leader and more to utmost perfection.
She is such a good thinker and strategist, which explains how the family on a whole as well as individually we all are only becoming better versions of ourselves every waking minute. Her question to us is always - are you happy? And I think, if you do more things that make your soul happy, the more efficient you become at what you do. And If I am able to do so, all credits go to Amma.
She was my first teacher in sales and marketing, the best till date for sure.

Isha Nagappan
Author & Business Student in the U.S.A.
“One of the greatest privileges I’ve had in life is being able to call my role model “Amma”.
In all my years of existence, I’ve never come across someone as enterprising and inspirational. Ma has always led by example and shown me what it’s like to be a strong independent woman with true balance in life. She’s broken the glass ceiling time and time again with her relentless drive and energy.
She’s an excellent mentor known for identifying potential in people and pushing them past their comfort zones to help them achieve things beyond their boundaries. She’s a proud overachiever with a focused mindset.
Ma wears multiple hats so effortlessly while also being a constant source of positivity, aspiration and determination. Her faith in positive affirmations and the universe’s energy is something that’s truly astounding. She’s basically an all-round achiever, driven by passion, while also being an empathetic and soulful human being.
If I become even a fraction of this beautiful woman I’ve grown up admiring, I’d know that I’ve made it in life.

Meenu Chidambaram
Entrepreneur & Homemaker
“Ma and I share a special bond. I can proudly say that I am the luckiest person on earth because I was fortunate enough to have a mother(in law) like her.
I've never felt like a daughter in-law, because she has always made sure I only feel like another daughter born to her. She always makes sure all of us are happy all the time. She plays the role of a mother, a friend and a mentor. I've ways admired how she shows her love for us in the most selfless way.
She's a hardcore entrepreneur full of energy and positivity. She's the emotional backbone of the family. She beautifully manages work and family without overlapping. She's my Role model, because just like so many other women out there, I too want to follow her path in being such a successful women entrepreneur as well as balancing all other aspects of life with such amazing perfection. she's the most generous person I've ever seen.
Without me realizing myself, I've started doing things the way she does. And I’ve heard a lot of people say that. I feel so blessed to be a part of such an amazing, warmth overfilled family.
Making a Difference
Fueled by her need to better the lives of people around her, Geetha Nagu is very inclined towards serving those that need it the most. Through an initiative called “Kamala Chidambaram Trust”, Geetha Nagu, along with her family, has funded the education of countless children from Chettinad, Madurai and Chennai while also improving the healthcare environment for elderly people.
Read MoreSince education is the base of development and Geetha Nagu strongly believes in equal education for all, she has co-founded the “VNCT Foundation”, to primarily provide support in the field of education. Geetha Nagu also personally funds school education and higher-studies for multiple children through affiliations with renowned organizations across Chennai.
She is also an active member of the Rotary Club of Madras, one of the oldest and most prestigious clubs in India that’s known for its pioneering work in health-care, sanitation, water conservation and more, following the motto “Service above Self”.