How to Buy Your First Home?

What To Look For When You BUY Your First Home?

Did you know over the last 2 centuries, about 90% of the world’s millionaires have created their wealth by investing in real estate? Have you thought about investing in properties but assume you don’t have enough money, feel you do nothing have adequate knowledge or feel now is not the right time for you to buy your home?… Read More

Strategic Leadership

Strategic Leadership

It is fair to say as humans we either lead or follow in pursuit of what we want to achieve in life. In the corporate world, certain individuals play “leadership” roles and lead others. As leaders, it is their responsibility to influence the activities of individuals in their teams towards achieving key objectives & goals. … Read More


Courage Is a Quality To Develop by Geetha Nagu

COURAGE is not absence of fear.It is the ability to overcome fear.

Courage does not come over night. It is a quality that is acquired over an extended period of time through practice – courage to know your fears and confront them, the courage to believe in a positive outcome amidst uncertainty, the courage to channelize our mind to overcome our doubts, the courage to proceed with appropriate plan of action.… Read More

Wanna get ahead in Life? Start with a PLAN!

A lifetime of achievement doesn’t happen by accident; it’s the result of thorough planning, detailed execution and determination to succeed in achieving ones dreams and life goals.

Once you create a robust plan for reaching your goals, you’ll be surprised at how your confidence and clarity increases.… Read More

Coping With Finances During COVID Times

Every one of us has experienced differing struggles during the COVID-19 crisis. But the one struggle that most have invariably experienced, was coping with financial stress. Whether your problems stem from a loss of work, running your business, managing cash flow, escalating debt, unexpected expenses, or a combination of factors, financial worry is one of the most common stress factor in modern life.… Read More

Buy Properties In India

Today is the best time to buy properties in India at these reasonable prices and with such good offers & benefits.

Villas with Land Ownership

The property prices will be shooting  up very soon, for the following reasons :

  • Building materials-cement, steel, sand, electrical materials, plumbing materials have all gone up in pricing by 10%-15%.
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Millionaire’s Real Estate Investment Secrets

Buying a property is one of the fastest and safest ways to build wealth and create a safety net, especially in India.

To be clear, when I say “property” or “real-estate” investing, I am not referring to apartments.

Most apartments for meant use or investment are usually located in pockets where land has already saturated in appreciation value.… Read More