Two Rules to Grow

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Everyone aspires to “grow” in some way or the other in life. This growth could be personal, financial, professional, etc. Having an aspiration to grow is absolutely necessary to live a fulfilled and happy life.   In this article, we will discover the following two simple rules we all need to follow to grow continuously:

The Yes Rule

Every situation presents itself with an opportunity. I believe every instance or task ignored by all is an opportunity to take ownership and grow. But for us to be able to identify and grab a chance, we must be ready in our minds to not fear the “UNKNOWN” and say “YES” to every opportunity that comes our way.

And when we begin to say yes to opportunities around us, we tend to push ourselves beyond our comfort zone, take on new responsibilities, and in the process, continue to learn and grow.

After successfully practicing this rule time again, it becomes a habit that fuels our growth continuously.

Never Quit Rule

We all have dreams and goals we want to achieve in our lifetime – some big, some small. And every aspiration, goal, or target presents obstacles and challenges on its path to achieving the end goal. No matter how significant the problems or challenges are, we must never quit.

I believe “real success” is not a “destination” but a “journey,” its real flavor is relished every time we overcome an obstacle or challenge along the way to victory.

To be able to overcome challenges and obstecles, we must be determined and unambiguous in our approach. Like every destination has multiple routes, every problem has more than one solution. Before we set ourselves to a goal or a target, we ought to craft more than one plan to archive our end objectives. This will help anticipate potential challenges, craft alternative strategies, and approach every situation with absolute clarity. Along the pat should we hit what I call the “wall situation,” where it seems to be impossible to proceed futher, we will be better equipped to switch plans and achieve our end goal.

Every time we practice this rule of not quitting and successfully overcoming our challenges to achieve our goals, we get into a winning habit, which in turn helps our continuous growth process.

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