Courage Is a Quality To Develop by Geetha Nagu

COURAGE is not absence of fear.It is the ability to overcome fear.

Courage does not come over night. It is a quality that is acquired over an extended period of time through practice – courage to know your fears and confront them, the courage to believe in a positive outcome amidst uncertainty, the courage to channelize our mind to overcome our doubts, the courage to proceed with appropriate plan of action.… Read More

Two Rules to Grow

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Everyone aspires to “grow” in some way or the other in life. This growth could be personal, financial, professional, etc. Having an aspiration to grow is absolutely necessary to live a fulfilled and happy life.   In this article, we will discover the following two simple rules we all need to follow to grow continuously:

The Yes Rule

Every situation presents itself with an opportunity.… Read More